On Saturday, 20 May at Freemasons’ Hall, The Griggs Centre, Sheaf Close Northampton, the East Midlands District Royal & Select Masters held its Annual meeting with 135 Companions present.
The meeting was attended by the Grand Master, Most Illustrious Companion Kessick John Jones, IX, escorted by the Grand Director of Ceremonies, Very Illustrious Companion Graham Seeman, P.Pres.E.C.
At the meeting were twelve Right Illustrious Companions travelling from all over the Country.
Aso present was Right Illustrious Companion Michael Herbert, Past Deputy Grand Master; and Right Illustrious Companion Michael Jolley, Custodian of the Ninth Arch, Past District Grand Master.
After the usual business of the meeting had been conducted the District Grand Master, Right Illustrious Companion Martin Wilson, then re-appointed Illustrious Companion Ian Knox as his Deputy, and then appointed Illustrious Companion Ian Johnson, previously the District Recorder, to be his Principal Conductor of the Work.
Silver Trowel certificates were then presented to six Companions and the Grand Master accompanied the District Grand Master to congratulate the recipients.
The Grand Master went on to congratulate those Companions of the District who were appointed or promoted in Grand Council in April but not yet invested due to the meeting being a shorter, business type meeting, due to the Anniversary meeting being held later this year in October.
Prior to the District Grand Master delivering his address to the Companions the Grand Master spoke to all the Companions present.
Following the addresses, the Grand Master retired inviting the Heads of Orders present, three Craft ProvGM’s, an Inspector General Rose Croix and the Prefect for the K.B.H.C., to accompany him, plus the Past Deputy Grand Master. (There was also a Grand Superintendent, Royal Arch, present but he was required in the outgoing District procession.)
Following the close of the meeting all retired to the bar for liquid refreshment followed by lunch.
The District Grand Master during his toast the Grand Master presented him with a bottle of locally distilled Gin, a porkpie from Melton Mowbray and two pieces of cheese, one being a piece of Stilton, all being produced within the District.