As District Grand Master for the East Midlands District I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the website for the Order of Royal and Select Masters in the East Midlands. Whether you are already a Freemason wishing to find further information about the Order or already a member I hope that you will find the website both interesting and informative.
Sometimes referred to as “The Cryptic Degrees”. This fascinating Masonic Order refers to the steps taken by King Solomon to safeguard the treasures of his Temple at Jerusalem, by building a secret underground vault in which they could be hidden in times of trouble.
The Order consists of four basic degrees, plus two more that may be conferred on Past Masters. The four degrees that each member takes are: Select Master; Royal Master; Most Excellent Master and Super Excellent Master and are taken in this sequence. These degrees cover the 500 year period between the building of the first and second temples. It is a fascinating story, being demonstrated by some of the most beautifully constructed ritual in the whole of Freemasonry and is laced with intriguing moral precepts. The discerning ritualist and the Masonic historian will be delighted by what they discover.
Once a member has passed through the chair of his Council, he can be considered for two more degrees. The first is called “The Degree of the Silver Trowel”, or “Order of Anointed Kings”. This particular degree is conferred on Past Masters who have shown meritorious work. It is by invitation only, and each invitation has to be approved by the Grand Master. Each recipient earns the right to wear a hallmarked silver trowel on his apron. After being awarded the Silver Trowel, Past Masters may then be nominated to the Grand Master for the degree of “Excellent Master”, which is the final link between the Craft and the Chapter.
If you are already a Master Mason, as well as a Companion of the Royal Arch and a Mark Master Mason, you are qualified for membership of this most enlightening of Masonic Orders.
If you are qualified to join and would like to do so, please contact the District Recorder, and I am sure you will consider it a step in your masonic journey which you will not regret. I always look forward to warmly greeting new members, personally, in each of the eleven Councils of this District.
Martin J Wilson
District Grand Master

Rt. Ill. Comp. Martin J. Wilson
District Grand Master

© 2018 East East Midlands District of Royal and Select Masters.
All rights reserved.